Need a new job? Now is a great time to consider part-time and contract positions
In this video Catherine Byers Breet talks about why now is a great time to consider part-time and contract jobs.
So, you need a new job. You and … well … a lot of other people. There ARE companies hiring, but it’s tough to find them. You’re running low on faith and cash.
What now?
This might be the time to consider part-time and contract jobs. If you’ve only had full-time jobs as an adult, this idea can be a little scary.
You probably have questions like “Will anyone even hire me for part-time or contract work?” and “If I do this, won’t it hurt me on the other side?” and “Will it send a bad message to future employers?”
These are all good questions, and Catherine Byers Breet will answer them for you on today’s Livestream.
Some other questions that are covered in this Video include:
Job search advice
Job search tips and tricks
Contract jobs, consulting and freelancing
Why companies love hiring contractors, freelancers and gig workers
Why freelancers and contractors love the freedom and flexibility of gig work
With 22 years in the recruitment & consulting industry, you can count on her for the hard-hitting, honest answers you deserve.
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