Job transition &đź’¸Moneyđź’¸ management
Losing your job doesn’t mean you need to lose all your 💸money💸! But it DOES mean you need to take some action to protect your family – and you have to take it now. Otherwise, you risk losing 💸money💸 in ways you just don’t have to. So please … before you make any rash decisions about your finances, take a breath. Pour yourself a nice cuppa coffee, and join Cat Breet for a refreshing conversation with Nicole Middendorf of Prosperwell Financial. They’ll talk💸money💸, lay-offs, and business start-up (for those of you who see your layoff as the kick in the pants you needed to FINALLY start your own business! Plus, Nicole will be giving away her hot-ticket checklist on how to protect your 💸money💸 if you are laid off.
Guest Nicole Middendorf is a đź’¸moneyđź’¸ maven, knowledge junkie, and media darling (TV, radio, and other media). She is an entrepreneur who left Morgan Stanley in 2003 to run her own wealth management firm. Nicole is the author of 5 books, a world traveler, philanthropist, accomplished public speaker, and mom.