Worried about a layoff? How to get ready now | Career Consulting | Catherine Byers Breet
Yes, I am an eternal optimist. Yes, I always look for the silver lining. Yes, I know that we WILL pull through this very hard time in our lives. However, make no mistake: I am also very much a realist. Here’s what I know for sure: your fear about layoffs is legitimate. Globally, companies are struggling during this Pandemic.
Most of them are doing everything they can to hold on to their people, but some of them will not be able to. After 22 years in the recruitment industry, helping over 70,000 people affected by layoffs, I can tell you this: getting caught unprepared when the layoffs come is NOT a good place to be.
So, let’s do something about it! Join me live and let’s talk about the very simple things you can do right now to take care of your family and prepare to make a move … just in case. I know you don’t want to. I know it’s going to take some work. But I can promise you this: it will be MUCH easier to get ready now than to wait for things to happen to you.
I don’t want to have this conversation with you it’s heavy and it’s hard but the more you can prepare the easier it’s gonna be so when I woke up this morning at 5 a.m. to finish my special guide for you so I’m gonna give you guys a free download today so I hope that you focus your time today on talking to me and asking questions and and commenting and let’s talk.
Because I’m gonna give you a free download it’s my guide on how to get ready for a layoff right now and it’s 16 little things you can do starting today so you’re gonna get that free guide from me so let’s just talk today so I popped outta bed at 5 a.m.
Video Overview
Career Consulting
why do layoffs happen
how do companies decide who to layoff
company layoffs 2020 signs of layoffs
upcoming layoffs
layoffs who goes first
massive layoffs 2020
layoffs at work
Download – https://learning.arbez.com/download-worried-layoff-ready
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