Coffee with Cat – Making Hope Happen
Worried? Me, too. But we WILL get through. Today, let’s talk about how.
No doubt about it: these are some hard, hard times. The good news is, human beings are incredibly resilient and innovative when it comes to pushing through adversity. We WILL get through this.
Hearing that is one thing. Believing it is another. What we all need a healthy dose of right now is HOPE, and Senior Gallup Scientist Dr. Shane Lopez knows how to deliver. In a remarkable worldwide study of people, success, and resiliency, Shane and his team discovered that the most resilient and successful people in life are not those with the most money, prestige, or power.
Instead, it’s people who believe in two things:
1. That the future will be better than the present and
2. That they have the power to make it so.”
I’ll admit, it’s been tough to be hopeful lately with what’s going on around the world. So, I’m dusting off my beloved autographed copy of Shane’s book “Making Hope Happen,” and I’m bringing his best lessons to you.
Will you join me? – Catherine