How to set & achieve SMART goals: 6 Steps to Success
How to set & Achieve SMART goals: 6 Steps to Success
New Year’s Resolutions are a rite of passage for millions of people per year. Unfortunately, 42% give up after the first 30 days and only 9.2% say they achieved their resolution (Statistic Brain Research Institute). UGH!
Great news: you can be in that 9.2% … if you’re willing to dig in just a little deeper than “I want more money” or “I want a new job” or “I want to lose some weight.”
On New Year’s Eve, tune in to the Cat Breet show as she breaks down the research behind how the precious few 9.2% actually reach their goals. Then, she’ll share the 6 steps to YOUR Success.
#goals #success #catbreet