Dark Days: How to tame the voices in your head
On the good days, our mind is our absolute best friend. But on the dark days, it can be our very worst enemy … and stop us right in our tracks.
The great news is, there are a lot of little things we can do to stop our inner critic from sabotaging our success at work and home. Next time those little voices start whispering in your ear, remember this: they are just thoughts! And they’re only there because you allow them to be.
We’re kicking off our “Women Who Dare” series this March with Alissa Daire Nelson of Daire2Succeed. We’ll talk about how she overcame fear, self-doubt and uncertainty on her way to the top. Plus, she’ll share the steps she takes individuals and teams through to unapologetically embrace what makes you unique, stop spinning your wheels and stand out from the crowd at any time.
#innercritic #littlevoices #womenwhodare #fear #self-doubt #standout