How to be happy in 2022: 15 Science-based tricks that are easy and effective
In 1988, Bobby McFerrin wrote one of the most beloved songs of all time. “Don’t worry, be happy” shot to the #1 spot of the Billboard Top 100 Chart. Thirty years later, you can still find people whistling that tune all over the world.
Here’s a really cool thing about this song: it is so much more than just a feel-good tune! The song is actually brimming with great science-based advice about how to be happier.
As you think about your New Year’s Resolutions this year, why not toss in a few easy (yet high-impact) science-based strategies to put a little more joy in your life every day?
On this week’s Planet Work show, Cat Breet will share 15 of her favorite science-based strategies for putting a little more happy in her day.
Planet Work live on LinkedIn
Thursday December 23rd
9am ET | 8am CT | 6am PT
P.S. Let’s chat! What’s your #1 trick for putting more happiness in your day?
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